Disclosure of Costs For Repairs Due to Tenant

The price list below is Lessors attempt to utilize our moral obligation to operate in a “best practice” fashion of disclosing the costs that are relevant to repairs and replacement when a Lessee(s) damage a house. Lessor understands that normal wear and tear are to be expected, but there is a fine line between wear and tear and damage that some believe is discretionary… we believe that damage is damage and wear and tear is expected. With that, Holes in walls and doors, poop along with people’s messes spread over walls in bedrooms and bathrooms, garbage and trash remain behind, destroyed appliances with dents, scratches and abuse are just a few examples of damages and dare we say…abuse.

Lessor strives to use best judgement when assessing your deposit refund. The list below is not as exhaustive as it could be, however, this list consists of 95% of charges customers experience when their actions lead to dollars deducted from their deposit. Understand that these are charges that are references, and every situation is different. If you elect to destroy a home by having an animal/children destroy carpet and flooring, eating woodwork and doing everything possible to be the worst of the worst…these charges below are not going to cover the damages. The average cost Lessor incurs when redoing an entire house, new everything (which they do often) averages around $37,000.00 to $60,000.00 dollars. Lessor spends money on quality products, expert labor and expects you, to be a Steward of the property. If you elect to destroy because of any reason, intentionally or unintentionally, the bill comes due. Our goal, and that of Middel Realty is to return you deposit to you in Full…LESS CARPET CLEANING. We use Norris Carpet Cleaning, and they do an amazing job ensuring that your dirt is removed when you vacate Lessor’s house. If you want to know what they are going to charge, feel free to call them and Craig or Stacy will be happy to give you a good faith estimate.

The prices are on the following pages. Know that this will be found in your rental file at the office and is apart of our standard leasing package. There is no need to hold onto it in paper form, but if you’re like us, we keep a copy of everything we do. Your portal will be your friend, so make sure you utilize the resources at your disposal.

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This list is not exhaustive as stated earlier, but understand that Lessor is not trying to nickel and dime you on repairs to the property after you vacate. You have been provided with a Move In check in list to protect you from charges that you have not caused… you need to fill that out and turn it back into the office within 30 days of your lease starting… failure to do so will make all the damages in the property your financial responsibility. PLEASE take photos if you are worried or even if you are not. Photos must be provided to Lessor on either an SD card or Flash Drive. If you choose to share an album, we will download the photos and that is always a possibility. Again, we are not trying to take your deposit, we just need to return the house the same condition you receive it in, less normal wear and tear.

You are also aware that you are moving/residing in a rental property that has been and will continue to be a rental property after you have vacated. As with all things, there will be some birthmarks on the property, things that in order to fix them would cost way more than the action is worth, and that same logic will continue after you vacate. Lessor and Middel Realty doesn’t’ desire to charge you for damages that you have not incurred by your tenure at the property, so ensure that you have filled out the Move in List… as we will charge you for things that you have damaged. We will extend, to the greatest extent possible a level of Grace; that we have as a moral obligation to extend to all.

These rates and prices may decrease as well depending on the longevity in which you have resided in your house (as things age, things happen….depreciation of materials is a real thing…labor is still expensive though) If you elect to damage the property, know full well that that damage will be costly. Middel Realty averages about 80% of the time returning Performance Deposits back to their rightful owners with only Carpet Cleaning being deducted. The other 20%, there are small charges to big charges…it depends on how those folks choose to live. As always, we’re around to ask questions. If you’re reading this for the first time, understand that this is our attempt to maintain the same level of service we always provided, but with every year, the rules continue to change and we must adapt as well. We wanted to ensure that you are not taken by surprise when you vacate. If this is your first renewal/lease with Lessor and Middel Realty, we look forward to working with you. If you are like the 75% of our customers who elect to stay, year after year, we just wanted to let you know what could happen when you vacate. These numbers are subject to change as prices and availability are always outside of our control, but know that Middel Realty strives to be as fair as possible. We plan on updating this price list yearly, so if you are holding onto this list, know that when you move in a decade, the numbers will be different.